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Szukaj by tag #areas - pg. 1 of 3 (72 obrazy)

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 Pict. [Pics] I cracked my iphone screen, so I scanned it & designed a custom wallpaper by coloring in the cracked areas. I'm prett (#Wallpaper #Screen #Iphone #Cracked #Scanned #Prett)Pict. 1838×1159 px

11k pkt. 0 lubi 7 zapisy

Tags: areas, coloring, cracked, designed, iphone, prett, scanned, screen, wallpaper (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Pict. [Pics] Saw a tutorial on photographing stars in light polluted areas, so tried it out from an old hiker's hut in the hills above (#Old #Saw #Light #Hills #Tutorial #Hiker #Polluted)Pict. 1920×1280 px

11k pkt. 0 lubi 12 zapisy

Tags: areas, hiker, hills, hut, light, old, photographing, polluted, saw, stars, tutorial (Pict. in My r/PICS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] If countries-disputed territories-national parks moved to provinces and regions of Belgium with similar areas [OS] [48 (#National #Countries #Moved #Areas #Belgium #Parks #Disputed)Pict. 487×434 px

8687 pkt. 0 lubi 10 zapisy

Tags: areas, belgium, countries, disputed, moved, national, parks, provinces, regions, similar, territories (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] A Paramount Studios map (1927) of California showing areas that look like foreign countries [517x547] (#Map #California #Showing #Foreign #Paramount)Pict. 517×547 px

7844 pkt. 0 lubi 9 zapisy

Tags: areas, california, countries, foreign, map, paramount, showing, studios (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] The earliest surviving map of the world, Babylon and surrounding areas, 6th Century BCE [368x500] (album of more world (#Album #World #Map #Century #6th #Surviving #Earliest)Pict. 368×500 px

7727 pkt. 0 lubi 10 zapisy

Tags: 6th, album, areas, babylon, bce, century, earliest, map, surrounding, surviving, world (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] The United States' largest 53 metro areas Voronoi diagram - Taxicab geometry edition [OC] [1429x803] (#States #Edition #United #Diagram #Geometry #Voronoi #Taxicab)Pict. 1429×803 px

7525 pkt. 0 lubi 8 zapisy

Tags: areas, diagram, edition, geometry, largest, metro, states, taxicab, united, voronoi (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] North American Metro Areas with Major Professional Sports League Teams [1076x717] (#North #American #League #Metro #Professional #Teams)Pict. 1076×717 px

7350 pkt. 0 lubi 9 zapisy

Tags: american, areas, league, major, metro, north, professional, sports, teams (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] If countries moved to states-islands-provinces of the US and Canada with similar areas 2029x1781] (#Canada #States #Countries #Similar #Provinces #2029x1781)Pict. 2029×1781 px

7348 pkt. 0 lubi 8 zapisy

Tags: 2029x1781, areas, canada, countries, islands, moved, provinces, similar, states (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Map of the Verwantschapslanden, areas with Dutch influence or under Dutch control at one point.[1427x628] (#One #Map #Dutch #1427x628 #Influence #Verwantschapslanden)Pict. 1427×628 px

7306 pkt. 0 lubi 4 zapisy

Tags: 1427x628, areas, control, dutch, influence, map, one, point, verwantschapslanden (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Map of Europe and surrounding areas showing video games set in each country. [2100x1525][OC] (#Video #Map #Games #Areas #Surrounding #2100x1525)Pict. 2100×1525 px

7099 pkt. 0 lubi 11 zapisy

Tags: 2100x1525, areas, country, europe, games, map, showing, surrounding, video (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Geographic Areas of the United States labeled with terminology used in aviation weather forecasts, National Weather Se (#National #States #United #Labeled #Aviation)Pict. 3354×2242 px

6997 pkt. 0 lubi 7 zapisy

Tags: areas, aviation, geographic, labeled, national, states, united, weather (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] 1918 map of Wisconsin showing areas 'most infected with Pro-Germanism' [620x829] (#Map #Showing #Pro #620x829 #Germanism)Pict. 620×829 px

6987 pkt. 0 lubi 2 zapisy

Tags: 620x829, areas, germanism, infected, map, pro, showing, wisconsin (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Areas of Cardiff, Wales potentially effected by reservoir flooding. [1570x938] (Country-wide interactive map in the co (#Map #Wide #Country #Reservoir #Flooding)Pict. 1570×938 px

6956 pkt. 0 lubi 16 zapisy

Tags: areas, country, flooding, interactive, map, reservoir, wales, wide (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] 1750s map of Ancient Jerusalem and surrounding areas with places of interest [896x661] (#Map #Places #Areas #Jerusalem #896x661)Pict. 896×661 px

6900 pkt. 0 lubi 7 zapisy

Tags: 896x661, ancient, areas, interest, jerusalem, map, places, surrounding (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Voice of America radio broadcast stations and coverage areas, ca. 1960. [1127x677] (#America #Areas #Coverage #Stations #Broadcast)Pict. 1127×677 px

6900 pkt. 0 lubi 7 zapisy

Tags: america, areas, broadcast, coverage, radio, stations, voice (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Station location and coverage areas of the LORAN radio navigation system - the most common marine navigation system be (#System #Station #Areas #Radio #Coverage)Pict. 3000×1560 px

6785 pkt. 0 lubi 2 zapisy

Tags: areas, common, coverage, location, marine, radio, station, system (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] The Seven Years' War is often called the real first world war, here is a map of belligerents and areas of conflict [10 (#Years #World #Map #Areas #Conflict #Belligerents)Pict. 1022×682 px

6784 pkt. 0 lubi 11 zapisy

Tags: areas, belligerents, called, conflict, map, real, war, world, years (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Areas served by London's major railway stations [OS] [964x1391] (#London #Major #Railway #Stations #964x1391)Pict. 964×1391 px

6771 pkt. 0 lubi 7 zapisy

Tags: 964x1391, areas, london, major, railway, served, stations (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] North America - Human Settled Areas and Cropland [3000x2000][OC] (#North #America #3000x2000 #Cropland #Settled)Pict. 2000×1482 px

6769 pkt. 0 lubi 8 zapisy

Tags: 3000x2000, america, areas, cropland, human, north, settled (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Ukraine: Areas of rebellion by 15 April and major Russian military formations [1280x726] (#Ukraine #Russian #Areas #Formations #Rebellion)Pict. 1280×752 px

6756 pkt. 0 lubi 8 zapisy

Tags: areas, formations, major, military, rebellion, russian, ukraine (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Areas Closed to Soviet Travelers in the United States During the Cold War [920x648] (#States #Cold #War #Closed #Travelers #920x648)Pict. 920×648 px

6717 pkt. 0 lubi 15 zapisy

Tags: 920x648, areas, closed, cold, soviet, states, travelers, united, war (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Hypothetical US High Speed Rail Corridors. Based on 52 US Metro Areas map. [OC][1477x829] (#High #Map #Speed #Rail #Corridors #Hypothetical)Pict. 1477×829 px

6715 pkt. 0 lubi 4 zapisy

Tags: areas, based, corridors, high, hypothetical, map, metro, rail, speed (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] Countries and Areas Mentioned in the Dutch Pop Band Het Goede Doel's 1982 Hit Song 'België' [1425x625] (#Hit #Countries #Dutch #Pop #1425x625 #Mentioned)Pict. 1425×625 px

6691 pkt. 0 lubi 8 zapisy

Tags: 1425x625, areas, band, countries, dutch, hit, mentioned, pop, song (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)
 Pict. [Mapporn] National-regional parks and marine protected areas of Italy [1974x2769] (#National #Italy #Regional #Parks #Protected)Pict. 1974×2769 px

6664 pkt. 0 lubi 6 zapisy

Tags: areas, italy, marine, national, parks, protected, regional (Pict. in My r/MAPS favs)