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Bhakta his choice

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#33 #16 #Bhakta1
  1. Rated: General ❀ Family friendly
  2. Album rozmiar: 1.2 MB
  3. Obrazy: 4
  4. Wyśw.: 7178 (0 dziś)
  5. Ostat. wyśw.: 1 day temu
  6. Stworzony: 12 years temu
  7. Zobacz też:
 Pict. 12 A giant Garuda (a bird man which is a steed of Vishnu) seen on a wall of Preah Khan (#Man #Giant #Wall #Garuda #Preah #Vishnu)Pict. 2048×1536 px

3355 pkt. 0 lubi 1 zapisy

Tags: bird, garuda, giant, khan, man, preah, steed, vishnu, wall (Pict. in Bhakta his choice)
 Pict. 2giridhari auckland ( #Auckland)Pict. 1037×691 px

1253 pkt. 0 lubi 1 zapisy

Tags: auckland (Pict. in Bhakta his choice)
 Pict. 1202_10152446154530274_2019454916_n ( #Choice)Pict. 824×960 px

1141 pkt. 0 lubi 0 zapisy

Tags: choice (Pict. in Bhakta his choice)
 Pict. heart_20121219043445_64402 ( #Heart)Pict. 103×103 px

1093 pkt. 0 lubi 1 zapisy

Tags: heart (Pict. in Bhakta his choice)
Hindoeisme en godenbeelden, deiti en Vishnu